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sábado, 19 de octubre de 2013


Hemos viajado en el tema anterior por El Universo para situarnos en La Tierra. En los próximos días comenzaremos con el tema de la atmósfera (una de las capas de La Tierra) y lo haremos cantando. Fíjate en la letra del siguiente vídeo. Te ayudará, de forma divertida, a conocer las capas de la atmósfera.

The atmosphere has several layers, changes in weather occur in the lowest layer: the troposphere. Above that, is the stratosphere which is relatively weather free. Then, the ionosphere which contains electrified layers of air that reflect radio waves and make round the world communication possible. Beyond that is the mysterious rarefied exosphere now been explored by earth satellites.
Where is the stratosphere?
Just above the troposphere
Where is the tropopause?
It is in between
Where is the stratosphere?
Under the ionosphere
Where is the exosphere?
Highest on the scene

All together, all together, they make up the atmosphere
All together, all together, that´s the atmosphere
Troposphere, stratosphere, ionosphere, and exosphere
All together, all together that´s the atmosphere

Where is the weather made?
Where is all the weather made?
Where is the weather made?
In the troposphere

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